During the Immerse Conference, there will be a total of 7 teachings that you will have the option of choosing from. There will be 4 breakout sessions the first hour and another 3 breakout sessions the second hour on Saturday afternoon. The sessions will dive into some specific topics. Below are our breakout sessions:


The first time you are in love it’s all you think about, talk about, and put all of your energy into. What if you could feel that way about Father God? Maybe you’ve had that level of passion and lost it, or maybe it’s something you’ve longed for but never experienced. In this session we will look at the life of John the Baptist and explore what drove his fiery passion and revelation. You will leave with real life passion and revelation. You will leave with real life tools that you can put into immediate practice to facilitate rapid growth in your passion, devotion, and intimacy with the Father as well as increase your awareness of Holy Spirit in your daily life.


Dance to upbeat music with creative moves in this high energy session. We will be learning a dance created by Fred Vassallo (Choreographer and Director of “Bright Ones”). Come prepared to experience God in an unimaginable way.


Christianity is about relationship. Is there a relationship if no time is spent investing in it? In this session we will learn how time spent with the Father can actually transform our lives. Friendship and intimacy are foundational to growing close with God. We will dive into scripture to learn practical ways to find a secret place with the Lord in the midst of our busy lives. You will leave inspired and equipped to being your journey into intimacy with the Father.


Has life ever gotten to the point where you felt like giving up? Have you ever felt like the wind was knocked out of you and you couldn’t catch your breath? In this session we will explore what it means to persevere with the Lord, staying focused on a close relationship with Christ while enduring life’s troubles. You will hear a relatable story that will give you practical tools to equip you to make it through tough times. We will also dive into how to have an impact on those around us as they go through their own difficult situations.


Have you ever wanted to change the world and wondered what as the difference between you and the men and women of God who made history? What if we told you that not only can you change the world, but that we can give you the missing key to living in unlimited power. Come to find out how to do the impossible things that Jesus did and so much more. Heal the sick, raise the dead, break bondages, and be a history maker.


There are a lot of misconceptions around the person of the Holy Spirit. There are also a lot of questions around the function of the Holy Spirit. We clearly see in scripture that the Holy Spirit is part of the package when we get saved, so why do we need to seek the baptism? Is it really necessary? What does that even mean? Join us for this session to answer these questions and more.


Have you ever found yourself in worship just wanting to break free in dance? Come join our breakout session where we will dive into worship. This session will be filled with dancing exercises to create a space for you to deepen your relationship with the Father. Whether you’re a dance expert or have never danced before this session is for everyone! You will be challenged to bring forth your creativity in a new way.